This is my first blog in response to being a part of Practice Random Acts of Kindness.
There is an intimacy I find, even in the most casual of contacts when one person catches my eye and silently speaks to me through a look. Everyone has had that experience in a romantic setting; however, I'm talking about a person-on-the-street, buying-a-newspaper, opening-a-door-for-someone type of environment.
When someone has smiled at me for no reason as we pass one another and exchanged a simple hello, my day is enhanced enormously.
When I open the door for a person with bags in one hand and a baby in the other, smiling, without a word, I see them breathe just a little deeper. As they look back to mouth, "Thank you," their eyes express their truest gratitude. I am changed and humbled in that moment.
It is so incredibly simple to smile or to look at one of our global brothers or sisters in the eye as we pass one another on the street. Are we unaware of the healing power of that level of intimacy in our lives? Have we grown so fearful or callous that we shelter ourselves in our emotional cocoons, afraid that others may breech our psychic boundaries?
I hope not.
I hope that we are still able to engage one another in joy and compassion. I hope that we can see our Universal siblings as equals, in need and in service. I hope that we value ourselves enough to know that we are powerful entities who can change the world by changing one life. I hope we value others enough to know that those we may see as the least of us have something important to offer.
Ultimately, I simply hope... and smile.
Just once today, my friends, add a smile where one may not be expected. Just once today, offer a hand, even if you expect it to be declined. Just once today, love someone most when they seem to warrant it the least. We will all benefit for your choices to love.